umati showcase specification


This provides the specification to connect to the umati showcase

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umati showcase information model for Plastics and Rubber machines OPC 40084-3

1. General

The namespace for the instances is manufacturer specific, e.g.

Table 2 shows the complete structure of the instance needed for the umati demonstrator. The demonstrator requires, that all mandatory elements of the Extruder_InterfaceType are existent, even if there are not displayed in the dashboard. If the value of a variable a not displayed, is can be filled with a static dummy value (e.g. empty string). All displayed values are marked in bold.

Important: Version 2.0 of OPC 40084-3 must be used which defines, that the instance of the Extruder_InterfaceType is located under the Machines folder defined by OPC UA for machinery and that the MachineIdentificationType (also defined in OPC UA for Machinery) is used for the identification.

Download: Compleate documentation umati showcase information model Plastics and Rubber

Table 1 – Namespaces used in this document

NamespaceURI Namespace Index Example 0 0:NodeVersion 2 2:DeviceClass 3 3:MachineInformationType 4 4:ExtrusionDeviceType 5 5:Machines

Table 2 – Sample instance of OPC 40084-3

BrowseName Type Example Value Remarks
  Extruder<Manufacturer><SerialNumber> Extruder_InterfaceType    
   4:IsPresent 0:Boolean true 1)
   4:LineId 0:String “Foil line 1” 1)
   3:SupportedLogbookEvents 3:LogbookEventsEnumeration[] empty array / NULL 1)
    2:Identification 5:MachineIdentificationType    
     2:ProductInstanceUri 1)
     2:Manufacturer 0:LocalizedText “Sample Manufacturer”  
     2:Model 0:LocalizedText “Extruder 3000” 2)
     2:SerialNumber 0:String “987”  
     2:DeviceClass 0:String “Extruder”  
     5:Location 0:String “K 14 F42/N 51.260407 E 6.744588” 2), 3)
     ControllerName 0:String “My Controller” 1)
    5:MachineryBuildingBlocks 0:FolderType    
     2:Identification 5:MachineIdentificationType Reference to the instance Identification above  
     2:MachineryItemState 4:ExtrusionMachineryItemState_
      CurrentState 0:LocalizedText “Executing”  
      Id 0:NodeId ns=4;i=5092 1)
      4:ExtrusionExecutingSubState 4:ExtrusionExecutingSubState_
       CurrentState 0:LocalizedText “ControlledRun” 1)
       Id 0:NodeId ns=4;i=5070 1)
     2:MachineryOperationMode 5:MachineryOperationMode
      CurrentState 0:LocalizedText “Processing”  
      Id 0:NodeId ns=5;i=5026  
    Users 3:UsersType   1), 4)
     0:NodeVersion 0:String “1” 1)
    TemperatureZones 3:TemperatureZonesType    
     0:NodeVersion 0:String “1” 1)
     TemperatureZone_001 4:ExtrusionTemperatureZoneType    
      3:Id 0:String “Temperature Zone 1” 1)
      3:IsPresent 0:Boolean true 1)
      3:ControlMode 3:ControlModeEnumeration 2 (= AUTOMATIC) 1)
      3:ActualValue 0:AnalogItemType à 0:Double 120.5  
       EURange 0:Range <p>Low: 0</p><p>High: 200</p> 1)
       EngineeringUnits 0:EUInformation <p>namespaceUri: “
units/un/cefact”</p><p>unitId: 4408652</p><p>displayName: “°C”</p><p>description: “degree Celsius”</p>
  1. This variable is mandatory in the model but will not be displayed in the demonstrator
  2. Not mandatory in OPC UA for Machinery but for this model and will be displayed in the demonstrator
  3. See for rules for filling the location.
  4. Container object is mandatory in the model, but no instances inside (besides Variable NodeVersion) needed.